helps cities and towns across the US and Canada stay in touch with their citizens. Use our voice or text services to contact your citizens
about important events. The uses are endless. You could update everyone about community events, city council meetings and voting issues. You can use the service for more urgent
updates such as weather alerts, missing person alerts and road closings. Some cities use it to contact employees and emergency response teams. Load our MME Icon to your home page and residents
can go and sign up to receive your emergency alerts.
You can create your groups easily by uploading a CSV file or send the list to us and we will do it for you free of charge and train you how to use our user-friendly system. You may choose
to upload our MME icon to your webpage and have your citizens and residents sign-up for the service on their own simply by clicking our icon.
Benefits you will see when you use MessageMadeEasy:
- Your Caller ID shows up on every call you make
- If the call isn't answered, we will leave a message; if the line is busy, we'll call it back
- Send voice, text, or e-mail messages with no additional fees
- Send your voice broadcast from any phone enabled device, from anywhere, anytime
- Each contact can have multiple phone numbers
- Create a message and broadcast immediately or schedule for a certain time
- No equipment or hardware to purchase or download